Zoom meeting(s)…

Home Forums Event and Ride-out Chatter Zoom meeting(s)…

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    • #11857

        At the risk of sounding like a bit of a Luddite – have there been any Zoom meetings held for the club?

        I just joined another bike forum (CX500 based), and there are regular meetings on Zoom – at least 2 a month, one of them for North America & Europe, and the other for North America and Australia/NZ.

        Maybe a Zoom call could take the place of an AGM, or maybe one already took place…?

        If it has not, content could be a discussion from the Chairman, Treasurer, and/or how to post things in the Forum/Facebook…

        Just a thought, Cheers all – stay safe for then holidays!!   Adrian (Charlie) Wright 🙂

      • #11858
        John Nelson

          Zoom seems to be a bit like Marmite – Some love it and some hate it…

          First time I used it was for a family gathering that had to be cancelled early in the first lockdown. We didn’t loose many attendees to that and gained a few from across the pond.

          I’m involved with TOMCC and the BMF and both of those have held their AGMs on Zoom. In both cases I took part sitting at home here at my desk top PC and 2 screens. For myself the technology just worked and I could see and hear all the participants and get to speak when necessary. Some were using smart phones and not enjoying the experience nearly as much – I don’t think I’d have coped on a phone.

          BMF management team have been meeting via Skype for years now and, I think, have moved to Zoom as it is less demanding on resources and simpler to use. BMF council meetings have also moved to Zoom for the foreseeable future.

          I believe TOMCC national committee are meeting on Zoom now. My local branch committee (Meriden) are using it too.

          Certainly has it’s place in these times.

        • #11859
          Martin Rawson

            The club committee does hold it’s meetings using Zoom and it works well. The Chairman has attended another clubs AGM using Zoom and was not impressed at all with how it worked(or didn’t). Zoom doesn’t lend itself to larger gatherings. The clubs AGM was always a social event too, a chance to meet old friends etc and that is what we had hoped and planned for in 2020.

          • #11868

              Hi Martin

              It depends what you mean by larger gatherings?  I am a member of another club that holds regular Zoom meetings with 70+ attendees and it works very well.  That’s a lot higher attendance than we would normally get at a face-face AGM, so maybe it is worth giving it a go?

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