George was entirely accurate with his sales pitch of “…great company, great bikes and great roads”. As a relative new boy to the club, I was greatly impressed by the balance of organisational structure combined with friendly informality on the Saturday I attended, being accepted like an old friend returning to the fold.
George, please thank Caz again for her indomitable spirit and energy, providing multiple caffeine hits and cake, and give yourself a pat on the back for the organisation of the entire weekend plus excellent leadership of the midday ride out.
BTW, I covered almost 500 miles that day (06:30 departed Cardiff and 03:30 returned home Sunday) on my standard T160 seat and did NOT require a doctor’s appointment, as you suggested. (Psychiatric intervention possibly recommended later, however…)
Hope all attending returned home safely. A great bunch of people whom I hope to meet and ride with again – definitely worth almost four hours of solo riding there and four hours back, despite some grotty weather!
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