The Trident & Rocket 3 Owners Club, established in 1979, caters for all BSA and Triumph triple engined road and race machines manufactured between 1968 and 1976 plus specials and race bikes that are clearly related to the original machines. Club membership is split approximately 70 percent in the UK, 30 percent worldwide.
The Models
BSA Rocket 3 A75
Triumph Trident T150
Triumph Hurricane X75
Triumph Trident T160
Perhaps the most important objective of the club is to encourage the continued and regular use of these machines and the ongoing construction, development and use of specials and race versions (extract from the club charter)
One way we do this is by participating in a wide range of “Classic” events and organising a variety of meetings and rallies, the best known of these is our annual Beezumph Rally/Track days where club members have the opportunity to ride their road or race bikes on a race circuit. We also make specialist technical advice and knowledge available to all members and to aid this we have accumulated an impressive array of material in the club archive.

From the start the club has had an ethos of using our bikes. Consequently we have built up a wealth of experience to keep them in use on road and track. This information is available to members via this website and the club magazine Triple Echo. Triple Echo is published bi- monthly and mailed to all full members. It contains a broad mix of technical, historical, travel and events information. Contributions to the magazine come from a wide cross section of members including on occasion, some from our Honorary members listed below.
Our Honorary members reads like a Who’s Who of the triple world, many of them attend club events regularly and virtually all of them have visited Beezumph, some come every year which gives us the chance to meet the people who made the triples such fabulous bikes.
On the Area Meetings page there is a list of the meeting points throughout the UK and abroad, where you get the chance to meet other club members and talk about bikes (again)!
The club AGM is usually held at a hotel in the midlands. Most years there is a pre- AGM meal and talk on the night before the actual AGM, in recent years Percy Tait, John Cooper and Mick Duckworth have all spoken, these really are memorable evenings for anyone interested in triples.

The TR3OC are proud to list below our President, Patron, Founder and Honorary Members.
Patron: Arthur Jakeman
Founder: Tim Smithells
Honorary Members
- David Aldana
- Steve Brown
- Don Castro
- Ron Chandler
- John Cooper
- Dave Croxford
- Tom Dickie
- Don Emde
- Bill Fannon
- Alex George
- Mick Grant
- Norman Hyde
- Steve Jolly
- Alastair Laurie
- Rob North
- Darryl Pendlebury
- Ernie Pitt
- Jim Rice
- Peter Bates
- Martin Russell
- Fred Swift
- Craig Vetter
- John Woodward