Endurance Racing pt 2 video now uploaded for viewing.
I have just uploaded the latest release of our video series, Endurance Racing Part 1. Click the following link and look down the list, select the picture to watch the video. https://www.tr3oc.com/bsa-and-triumph-triples-the-people-the-bikes-the-racing/ Merry Christmas! Rich
I have been asked to post this by his family: Hello, You may have heard that Richard Darby’s funeral is this Tuesday, 12 December at 3pm at Bushbury Crematorium? The service will be a small family gathering with a few very close friends. Therefore, the family has organised a video link, so that the service …
Only limited availability so please be quick if you want one! https://www.tr3oc.com/product/large-logo-hoodies/ Rich
A massive thank you to Steve Borland for compiling Jerry’s article and excellent photographs in to a web page for our site. It can be viewed here: https://www.tr3oc.com/the-last-developments-of-the-triple-triumph-t180-001/ Rich
Please follow this link to view: https://www.tr3oc.com/bsa-and-triumph-triples-the-people-the-bikes-the-racing/ Enjoy Rich
We are very sad to announce the passing of Richard Darby on Tuesday 21st November. Richard was the proprietor of 3D motorcycles and a real club supporter and stalwart. He will be sadly missed. Rich
See the link below: https://www.tr3oc.com/bsa-and-triumph-triples-the-people-the-bikes-the-racing/
Click the link below and scroll to the bottom for the link: https://www.tr3oc.com/bsa-and-triumph-triples-the-people-the-bikes-the-racing/