
tableEach year, the committee members opt to put themselves up for re-election at the AGM or to retire from their position.  Positions becoming vacant will be announced prior to the AGM, so if you think you could contribute ideas and time to the development and running of the club, this is the time to make yourself known.

Being a committee member does not necessarily mean a heavy workload but it does give the opportunity to help steer the club through the changing times in which we operate.  It doesn’t matter if your contribution is sometimes sporadic: many of the committee members have busy private and work lives and it is understood that people’s availability will fluctuate.  So if you feel you’d like to do something, don’t hesitate to talk to us; you will almost certainly find you get much more from your club by being involved.

If you’d like to contact the committee then please use the Contact form.

TR3OC Members have the option of posting questions or views on the Forum or using the Member Contact Page to get in touch with an individual committee member.