The” Club Trident and Rocket3 France ” would be very happy to welcome you for the 22nd edition of the ” French Triple rally “.
The 2025 registration form will be sent out around mid- February . The number of participants remains limited to 90 ( maximum number of guests in the dining room ). In recent years this number was quickly reached even before the response deadline last year. So ” book early ” if you are interested in this event.
If you would like to participate but are not on our list of classic triples owners drop me a line at the following Email address : in return you will receive the 2025 registration form.
Given the growing interest in this classic triple rally reservations will only be confirmed upon return of the completed registration form and full payment.
Bear in mind that this rally is organised by and for classic Trident and Rocket 3 enthusiasts and , to maintain the spirit and ever attraction of this event, it is therefore reserved “exclusively ” for people coming with their classic triples.
Entry form Here.