TR3OC Members can post messages but not advertisements (please use the Classified Ads section for posting private but NOT commercial adverts).
Non-members can view certain forum postings and the classified adverts but we have a Technical forum and General Banter forum which are for members only. We’ve created a small help file here
The message boards are moderated for appropriate content and suitability for posting. Messages that are considered to be inappropriate may be edited or withdrawn without notice. By posting on the TR3OC message boards you are agreeing to the Club’s web site policy.
All messages made available as part of this discussion group (including any bulletin boards and chat rooms) and any opinions, advice, statements or other information contained in any messages posted or transmitted by any third party are the responsibility of the author of that message and not of The TR3OC or the Committee. The fact that a particular message is posted on or transmitted using this TR3OC web site does not mean that the TR3OC or the Committee has endorsed that message in any way or verified the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message. Please keep it clean and be considerate to others, we encourage visitors to the forum to report any objectionable message to, These e-mail addresses and the forum is not monitored 24/7.
- Forum
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Event and Ride-out Chatter
Please promote your events and any Ride-outs information here.
- 141
- 2 days, 20 hours ago
Which Triple do you ride?
Show us your ride here!
- 65
- 1 week, 2 days ago
Event and Ride-out Chatter