Due to the London Motorcycle Museum closing down we had to find a new home for our Triumph P1 Prototype motorcycle, after the committee exploring many avenue’s of where it should or should not be, we decided to approach the Triumph Hinckley Factory, as at their number 2 factory there is a display of many machines, past & present. Dave Bloor made contact with them to offer the machine & after they had considered our offer, they contacted us to say that they would welcome having it as part of their display at the Triumph Factory Visitor Experience.
I collected the P1 from the LMM which was quite a sad experience as they had been the custodians of it since the club got it & I know how proud Bill Crosby was to have it there, but onwards we must go. I gave it a check over & prepared it for delivery to Hinckley & when completed we arranged through Roy Shilling, who had been our contact with Triumph, when we could make the delivery. We set a date for 8th November 2019; Graham Jeffery helped me reload the P1 & secure it in my van to start the journey to Hinckley where we were met by Dave Bloor & Dougy Beardsall as well as Roy Shilling. The bike was unloaded from the van & into the building where Roy will organise its display & create a new information board. The P1 will still occasionally be seen at other locations as Triumph have agreed to us displaying it on club stands at shows etc. should we wish to do so.
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the TR3OC to thank all those who made it possible for the P1 to move to this new & most welcome location.
Graham Redrup (TR3OC Secretary)