AGM 2021

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    • #13655

        Hi all,

        Have any arrangements been made for a meal/drink on the Saturday night before the AGM?





      • #13657
        Martin Rawson

          I’ve only had a brief discussion with Peter Nic about this. The only thing he mentioned was the Brewers Fayre pub next to the Premier Inn Hinkley(Wharf Farm) where we are staying Saturday.

          I’m sure we can get a list up and book something.

        • #13660

            That sounds like a plan, put Caz and I on the list.

          • #13661
            Ralph Wilhelm

              all attendees of the AGM should be happy that it wasn’t me who  had choosen the hotel 🙂

              Have a nice evening!

            • #13679
              christopher hearle

                If there are plans for a drink somewhere on the Saturday night please advise  asap!

                • #13706

                    Ralph, what a hotel you chose!

                • #13680
                  christopher hearle

                    With a bit of luck Martin R will get his arm out of his sling and give an answer sooner rather than later after all he has been known to imbibe occasionally ! 🙂

                  • #13707
                    Martin Rawson

                      I have booked a table for Saturday evening 7.30p.m for 6 at the Marina Brewers Fayre (Wharf Farm, Coventry Rd).  Peter Nic and I, George and Caz, Chris Hearle.

                      One seat left and potential to add.

                    • #13712

                        What time is the AGM starting on Sunday as no time has been posted.

                      • #13713
                        Martin Rawson

                          10.00am for a prompt start at 10.30am,  details on page 4 of Triple Echo 254

                        • #13729
                          Dave Rodgers

                            Why the early start? People from longer distances may be put off! Is anyone who is attending looking to share a twin room at the Premier Inn on Saturday night?


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